
004 Rex Conner

His Icebreaker: “I’ll call you.”

 You’ve seen him. He sports a soul patch. He believes it to be the least conspicuous spot on his body to hide weapons. You’ve heard of him. Rumour has it that he is the illegitimate son of Charles Ponzi. But this rumour is  questionable, seeing as I made it up... just now.

Of course, you are the one to befall upon the 1 out of 272 million sociopaths worldwide. Sheer luck! Given that the world’s population is 6,852,472,823. Obviously this is big. Especially since it is not the type of math that can be solved on just any random calculator.

He’s the guy who says, “I’ll call you”. But never does. Maybe it’s because he is back in jail. Maybe it’s because he has Machiavelli-ed* his ass out of here.

Approach him if you are interested in 25 to life. 

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