it happened one year on jan08
8:10pm After weeks of online chatting, the Accountant and I finally meet up for dinner. So awkward. What the hell did I get myself into.
Not exactly sure what I think of him. He’s quite average. Average height, average shape, average voice, average style... average looking. And, VERY conservative. For all I know, he feels the exact same way about me, minus the conservative part. Definitely not a cartwheel moment.
Not exactly sure what I think of him. He’s quite average. Average height, average shape, average voice, average style... average looking. And, VERY conservative. For all I know, he feels the exact same way about me, minus the conservative part. Definitely not a cartwheel moment.
It’s already 8:12. I do not want to be here anymore.
My instinct tell me to call it a night. My conscience insists that it would not be gracious of me to do so. They fight it out, as I patiently wait for a verdict. My instinct presents a number of very valid and compelling points, including how it has saved me endless times from compromising situations such as speed traps, backstabbers and possible muggings. Her royal highness of cucumber sandwiches and hight tea, my conscience, insists that it would be wrong to leave so soon. At the very least, wait another 15 minutes. Fine. In that case, I will use this as a field experiment in flirting.
The waitress arrives. He orders for the both of us.
I decide to watch for body language cues. According to some experts, mirroring is the best indicator of interest. This evening, it is the least disingenuous way of observing his interest level without misleading him into thinking that I am interested. I catch some mirroring action. I also implement the pullback test. I’m perched ...leaning forward . As he starts to talk, I slowly lean back into my chair. He moves forward. But, this may be due to vanity. Maybe he is one of those guys who likes to be sought after. Findings so far... inconclusive, as well as irrelevant.
It’s 8:27pm. Too early to leave, especially since we haven’t even receive our meals yet.
I am not even listening to what the Accountant says. He’s so boring. Instead, I continue with my field experiment. Other signals of interest I’ve been told to watch for include: preening, straightening up, generally open facial features including raised eyebrows and dilated pupils.
His eyes get shiny and moist at times, but maybe this is because he just wants to cry. He constantly looks off to the right. And for the life of me, I cannot remember the size of his pupils - the ultimate telltale sign! He utters no compliments. No visible preening gestures. The lulls in the conversation are filled with awkward sips of water. He is secretive about where he works, where he lives.
The waitress arrives. He orders for the both of us.
I decide to watch for body language cues. According to some experts, mirroring is the best indicator of interest. This evening, it is the least disingenuous way of observing his interest level without misleading him into thinking that I am interested. I catch some mirroring action. I also implement the pullback test. I’m perched ...leaning forward . As he starts to talk, I slowly lean back into my chair. He moves forward. But, this may be due to vanity. Maybe he is one of those guys who likes to be sought after. Findings so far... inconclusive, as well as irrelevant.
It’s 8:27pm. Too early to leave, especially since we haven’t even receive our meals yet.
I am not even listening to what the Accountant says. He’s so boring. Instead, I continue with my field experiment. Other signals of interest I’ve been told to watch for include: preening, straightening up, generally open facial features including raised eyebrows and dilated pupils.
His eyes get shiny and moist at times, but maybe this is because he just wants to cry. He constantly looks off to the right. And for the life of me, I cannot remember the size of his pupils - the ultimate telltale sign! He utters no compliments. No visible preening gestures. The lulls in the conversation are filled with awkward sips of water. He is secretive about where he works, where he lives.
All of this leads me to wonder where I can find the mirror he is staring into? The one that reflects a blessed disillusion of grandeur and ressemblance to George Clooney.
Reality check, you are average looking - and I am being nice! So, what is with all the secrets? Hey Accountant, please give me insight into which body language signals I may be sending you, that would have you believe that I will stalk you. Is it my bland eyes, my fake smile or the fact that I would not touch you with a 10ft pole? You must realize I am deleting your contact info as we wait for these damn sushi rolls to arrive.
Finally my 6 pieces of Spicy Tuna arrive! We spoke about ordering sake; he must have changed his mind. Would it be wrong to offer him a 20 dollar bill? Could be perceived as emasculating. What if he is short on cash? After all, Canada Savings Bonds are very expensive.
Oddly enough, this date lasts for three hours. Lucky for me, I do not remember anything that was discussed past 8:30.
Finally, we leave. WE LEAVE!!! Seeing as he walked 5 blocks to get to the resto, I kindly offer to drive him home. He opts to walk instead. Please do not mistaken my act of kindness for infatuation. I was there with you, dear. I experienced the same flood of nonsexual desire and blah chemistry. The blandness was a two-sided experience. Maybe it would have come across less intrusive, if I would have offered him $15 for cab fare? Who knows.
In true Montreal style, we kiss good night on the cheek. I lie and say it was fun. He says bye. Conscience, you owe me three hours of my life back. Instinct, I am so sorry I doubted you!
I walk to my car alone. No worries, I’ve got my instincts to ensure that no harm comes my way.
Finally my 6 pieces of Spicy Tuna arrive! We spoke about ordering sake; he must have changed his mind. Would it be wrong to offer him a 20 dollar bill? Could be perceived as emasculating. What if he is short on cash? After all, Canada Savings Bonds are very expensive.
Oddly enough, this date lasts for three hours. Lucky for me, I do not remember anything that was discussed past 8:30.
Finally, we leave. WE LEAVE!!! Seeing as he walked 5 blocks to get to the resto, I kindly offer to drive him home. He opts to walk instead. Please do not mistaken my act of kindness for infatuation. I was there with you, dear. I experienced the same flood of nonsexual desire and blah chemistry. The blandness was a two-sided experience. Maybe it would have come across less intrusive, if I would have offered him $15 for cab fare? Who knows.
In true Montreal style, we kiss good night on the cheek. I lie and say it was fun. He says bye. Conscience, you owe me three hours of my life back. Instinct, I am so sorry I doubted you!
I walk to my car alone. No worries, I’ve got my instincts to ensure that no harm comes my way.